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Hosting a Server

(redirected from hostingaserver)

If you can port forward…

You can find a general video guide to how to port forward here, and a wikihow article here.

  1. When hosting ROBLOX servers, the internal port is usually set to 53640. This is not necessarily the only port you can port forward to, but if you are not experienced with port forwarding, then you should set the port to 53640. Make sure the protocol you are using is set to UDP.
  2. Launch ORRH, and choose a map and version to play on. Host the server with the port listed earlier, which is automatically set to 53640.
  3. Send your friends your IP and port, which should be formatted as IP:Port. The port your friends need to join may be different depending on if your router provided an “external” or “service” port. If that does not work, then just provide them the original port.
    DISCLAIMER: IPs that start with “192.168” or “127” are not IPs that you send to other people. These IPs only make sense to your router alone, and will not work for anybody other than yourself!

Everything works, but they can’t join my server???

Make sure to see if your firewall isn’t preventing people from joining your server! You can test this by disabling your public network firewall. Instructions for Windows systems can be found here. If you don’t feel comfortable disabling the entire network, you can allow ORRH and the various clients you want to host to bypass your firewall.

I’m not comfortable sharing my IP with the numbers on them!

You can use noip.com to change it to a random domain! It will still redirect to your IP.

  1. Sign up to the website. Log in.
  2. On your dashboard, click “Dynamic DNS Hostnames”, or “No-IP Hostanmes” (which you can find on the left side by clicking “Dynamic DNS”
  3. Click “Create Hostname”
  4. Write down a random name for your the address, and select a random “Free Domain”. Make sure the IPv4 Address listed is your IP!
  5. Click “Create Hostname”
  6. Host a server. Send the domain that noip.com gives you instead of your regular external address.
    You can easily remove this hostname by clicking the “X” you can find on this page, and then creating a new one. When it is deleted, the old hostname will not be pingable to your IP.

I don’t have direct access to my router!

You can use PortMapper! DISCLAIMER: This only works for routers that have UPnP enabled.

  1. Read the README on the program’s github and download from either its Releases or SourceForge page
  2. If you are unable to open the program, then you need JRE 11 (Java Runtime Environment) or later. The README recommends downloading from AdoptOpenJDK. Download the one according to your operating system. If you are using windows, please download and run the .msi file.
  3. If an error pops up in the log messages when you click “Connect”, go to “Portmapper settings…” and try cycling through the top three UPnP libraries listed. DummyRouterFactory is a dummy, and will not work as an actual router. If none of the libraries allow you to connect, then that means your router either does not have UPnP enabled, or that it is not compatible. Please read portmapper’s README for further instructions if that is the case.
  4. Create a “port mapping preset” by clicking the “Create” button. To keep track of this preset, I recommend naming the description something like “ROBLOX” or “ORRH”. Afterwards, click “Add”. Click on “TCP” and change it to “UDP”. Change the “Internal Port” to 53640. You can change the “External Port” to be a number below 65535, which is not already being used by your router (which you can see by checking the “Port mappings” on the top of the Portmapper program). When you are done, click “Save”. Make sure your changes were saved, as port changes only apply when you press enter!
  5. Select your port mapping preset, and press “Use”. You should now be able to see your port mapping in the “Port mappings” section.
  6. Launch ORRH, choose a map and version, and then host with the Internal port. It is automatically set to 53640, but you can change it depending on what port number you set your preset’s Internal port to.
  7. Send people your external address (IP) and port with the format IP:Port. You can also join your server through this as well.

If you can’t port forward…

You can use a service like PortMap (NOT PORTMAPPER) or PlayIt


  1. Sign up for PlayIt, if you don’t want to, use a Guest Account.
  2. Create a tunnel for a custom port, set the port to whatever you will host on. The default for ORRH (and most revivals) is 53640. Make sure to tunnel UDP, not TCP!
  3. Install the PlayIt app, then wait for it to request a code.
  4. Paste the code in, and wait for the tunnel to start.
  5. Launch ORRH, and choose a map and version.
  6. Host the server. Send joining friends the PlayIt IP.


  1. Register for PortMap. It will ask you to verify your email, so don’t put in a fake email address.
  2. Create a new Configuration. Name it whatever you want, and set the Proto to UDP.
  3. Install the OpenVPN client / OpenVPN Connect.
  4. Generate a OpenVPN configuration, then install it to OpenVPN.
  5. Go to create a mapping rule., then change the settings to your liking. Make sure Port on your PC is accurate to what you are hosting on.
  6. Launch ORRH, and choose a map and version.
  7. Host the server. Send joining friends the PortMap IP.

General Tips

Enable Auth

Enable Auth allows you to only allow people to join through a password. If you have Enable Auth enabled, make sure to generate a password for you and your joining players.
Enable Auth only works when UDP is not forwarded, only TCP, as it is a “Gateway” to joining the real server.

Server Information

ORRH provides a streamlined way to share your server through the “Server Information” section, which can be found on the host tab. Type your IP and Port that you want to share people, and then click “Copy to Clipboard.” It will provide players the necessary information (client, map, IP + ORRH version) to join your server!

Internet Safety

It is your choice to share your server with other people. This means it is your responsibility to invite people you do or do not know. If you do not trust them, then you do not owe them your IP! People can run scripts to ruin your server, but if you play with the right crowd, then you should be fine. But in the off chance something does happen, do not jump to witch-hunt — instead, come to your own conclusions, and act accordingly. Either through changing your IP address by resetting your router, or reporting your findings to an ORRH moderator; it will always be up to you, the hoster.

Safe travels!

Tags: help tips

Last edit by tobuFI at 2024-09-28 22:11:06Sep 28 22:11 (2024-09-28)